SEO Packages for Small Business

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Small businesses need SEO as much as large business, in fact probably more so. However SEO rates and SEO monthly packages are often out of the reach of many small businesses. This is most particularly true for those small businesses just starting up.

SEO Rates

SEO rates vary considerably and sometimes the amount that you pay for SEO is not justified by the cost charged. In general in Australia hourly rates for SEO start at $125 (for individual SEO Consultants) up to $200 an hour for SEO provided by a large SEO firm.

Most monthly SEO packages in Australia range from $500 to $5,000 per month, a massive range.

A study done by Moz in 2011 provides some interesting information in relation to SEO rates.

SEO Rates – What are you Paying For?

This is a good question. The answer should be that you are paying for an SEO Consultant who is dedicated, experienced and highly knowledgeable with a proven track record of successful SEO results.

However you could end up paying for some of the overheads that large SEO firms have such as high rent and large support staff salaries. Having said this, most of these SEO firms do provide excellent SEO services, however their rates and SEO packages for small business are likely to be the same as they charge a large business. Thus SEO undertaken by a large SEO business is likely to be beyond the budget that small businesses have.

On the opposite side of the coin when paying for SEO you do need to be very careful about SEO Consultants offering SEO services at very cheap rates. More than likely if you pay very little for SEO you will find you receive very little in return. Sometimes you may even get caught by unscrupulous individual who either undertake black hat SEO for you outsource the work overseas.

Cost Effective SEO

If you are lucky (or if you do a lot of homework) you can find SEO services that are very cost effective and provide you with great return on your investment in SEO.

As a small business your best option is to find someone who specialises in search engine optimisation for your type of business. This person or small firm is likely to be very skilled and knowledgeable and practised in getting businesses such as yours to rank high in organic results.

Local SEO Packages for Small Business

It is possible to obtain good affordable SEO packages for a small business as there are SEO Consultants (and I include myself here) in the market who are driven by the challenge and enjoyment there is in helping small businesses to generate income from their websites – and offer SEO services at an affordable rate for small businesses.

As small businesses we understand your needs and most often don’t have high overheads and thus can afford to provide our highly skilled and professional services at rates much lower than larger SEO firms can afford to charge.  I believe that I am just that sort of SEO Consultant. I have specialised in a very specific market niche. I only undertake SEO for local service businesses with websites build in WordPress or Weebly.

This specialisation means that I know exactly how to get your business ranking in Google as I have done it before with simular businesses. So I have fine-tuned the work that needs to be done and can do the work very efficiently. My rates too are very affordable, but that does not reflect in any way the high standard of service and the SEO results that you will obtain with me.

SEO Packages for a Small Business with Through The Ranks.

I offer three SEO packages for small local service businesses. Each package entails a fixed monthly instalment paid over a 10 month period.

The rate of the SEO instalment depends simply on how much work I believe your website will require in order to reach the first page of Google.

For simple websites in a local market that has low completion I charge $510 a month. For middle level competitive markets the monthly small business package cost is $595. For highly competitive markets I charge $850 or $1,000 a month.

SEO Work with Through The Ranks

Unlike the overwhelming majority of SEO Consultants, I will do the majority of the SEO work for your website upfront and then request installment payments over time to cover the cost of the work that has already been done.

This benefits you because firstly your website should rank quicker and secondly you are not faced with a large payment over one or two months, but rather spread over 10 months.

Over the full 10 month period I will be working on your website with around 80% of the work done in the first two months and the balance over the last eight months.

Cost-Effective SEO with Through The Ranks

Every dollar you pay me for SEO for your website will go into work to ensure that your website ranks and ranks as quickly as possible. With me you will be paying for professional and proven SEO skills.

If you have a website built in WordPress and are a local service business looking to obtain business leads through your website please feel free to contact me, Karen Thorogood, Independent Brisbane SEO Consultant on 0411 403 511.

Once we have discussed your business goals and your website I will then provide you with some contact details from my current clients. I will encourage you to contact these clients so you can find out for yourself about the level of service I provide and the success of the SEO work that I do.

Looking for more information on SEO Packages for Small Business with Through The Ranks, visit the Prices Page on this website.


seo packages for small business